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Preparing For An Out-Of-Body Experience (OBE)

The first step to having an out-of-body experience (OBE) is developing a mind outside of the body.  Allowing yourself to be more than a body.   Go beyond the physical illusion!  I am more than my body.  I am a soul, a spirit!
This body is only a garment, a temporary home, a place for me to experience the here and  now. It is what keeps me functioning in linear time.  In this physical realm,  the body is mostly governed by the laws of nature.

The place to start is within the mind.  Elevate your thoughts, your consciousness to more than the body.  Contemplate the following:

  •  “I am more than my body”
  • Where do I go when I am sleeping?
  • Who is it that looks out through my eyes?
  • What is the magic that makes all bodies similar, yet people so different.

This seems simple enough, but don’t be fooled!  The time you spend contemplating is time you spend elevating your level of consciousness.  Remember the part about developing a mind outside the body?  That’s what’s happening here.  Every time you contemplate  the unknown, it is time spent thinking “outside the box”.  Your consciousness raises and is outside the boundaries of common thought, unlimited by the  human experience.

The more you develop mind, raise consciousness, the more you are in a “frame of mind” for an out-of-body experience.  Chances are that this will happen when you are totally relaxed.  Bedtime is usually when it happens for me.  Actually, many people experience this at night, only to jump back quickly into the body.  You weren’t falling off a building, or out of a plane.  lol.  That’s the image the human brain will give you t0 explain where you’ve been!  The fact is, there may be some fear or reason that pulls you back to the body. You will always come back!  As you become more relaxed with the experience of leaving the body, you will be less prone to sudden jerks back to reality.

Where do you go during an OBE?

If you were a pilot learning to fly, you would stay in the plane, in the cockpit.  In the control room!!!  That’s what you should be doing.  Stay with the body.

Decide ahead of time that when you experience OBE, you will stay in your room.  It’s a familiar area therefore you will feel more comfortable.  You may chose to sit on your dresser, desk, etc, and simply look at yourself.  You can go back to your body AT ANY TIME!  The second you desire to go back, you will find yourself in the body again.

As you become more comfortable “flying”, you may want to roam around the house, in your comfort zone.  As you become more experienced you can choose your destination.  Simply thinking of where you want to be will bring you there.  You are the “pilot”, this is your mind, your consciousness.  MASTER THE BRAIN!  Control your mind, become master of your “self” and your experiences.  Bon voyage!

p.s.  when preparing for OBE, make sure you won’t be disturbed!

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